Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Animation Article Review
This article was meant to address that special effects change and add significance to current and future film. The author is arguing that filmmakers are recreating stories from books into movies with glorious effects. He supports this with many examples of futuristic films with special effects. The author has very many examples to show how many films use special effects, but does not give plenty of commentary to explain the examples. The author does a good job of supporting the main point. The evidence is fairly convincing in my opinion, and attracts me toward the article. This relates to my work because learning to use certain effects can dramatically change a project. Overall, I think that this is an accurate article.

Video Final Reflection

Semester Reflection


Over this semester, many things happened. The complexity of this class versus the small section of video we learned in e9 was much wider. Within this semester, we learned everything from how to J&L edit to how to work together as a team in order to succeed. Also, there were a few major and a few minor projects assigned throughout the semester. First, we were assigned to complete a couple projects that brought everyone back into the video mood. This contained basic knowledge of video production, such as how to work the fancy equipment and tripod, how to edit videos correctly, and more basic video production processes. After that, we were assigned to create a story on somebody's hobby. This was a fairly large step in explore A/V because it was the first story that we interviewed someone. Then came the blood drive, where we interviewed people on the spot, and captured live B-Roll. For the final project, two teams were assigned among the class. This project was special because everybody had to manage their time correctly and be responsible. Also, this project used all of the skills we have learned over the course of this class.


Some issues that came across were not having enough time, having miscommunication with the partner or group, and having issues with the technology. Although time was sometimes an issue, you could easily come in before or after school to finish any project needed. Miscommunication was only an issue among certain people, and certain circumstances. Technological issues occasionally came across, and those are sometimes hard to fix. Mostly everyone experience some diet of technology trouble, but help was given to each individual. Each problem I experienced caused me to react in different fashions. Sometimes I got angry, but soon attempted to resolve the problem.

Evaluation & Analysis

The elements that worked in some situations were the collaboration of some groups and the communication between groups. When it came to help, most problems were solved by fellow peers, This is a vital element in eComm, because everyone needs to be on the same page. One element that didn't work as well was the amount of focus during class time. Not having a teacher in the room really sets some people off task in a hurry. Some students decided to not work very much at all with their class time, and this set them off to a bad grade.


There were a vast amount of concepts, technical skills, and soft skills that we learned. A few examples include how to J & L edit, how to set up the camera correctly, and how to do many other things. Learning how to setup very expensive cameras was quite difficult for me and I need to make sure that remember how to do this for second semester. You need to adjust the iris, focus, and zoom all depending on the situation. Also, when using Final Cut Pro, you need to J & L edit so that your interview does not look lengthy and boring. You also need to adjust the audio between 6 and 12 so that your video is not too loud or quiet. Not only did I learn concepts and technical skills, I have also found that I have learned how to communicate and collaborate much better than before. In addition to that, I have come to believe that my time management and project management have improved as well.


I plan to take all the skills I have learned into next semester and into life. Some of the skills  I have learned from explore A/V are very useful within an everyday life. The communication and collaboration can help me in various ways within life. Although I have learned many useful things in this class, I can improve on my skills that I have right now. For example, I need to be able to hold the camera more steadily. I need to stand in a certain stance that Mrs. Morris showed. This stance is a bit awkward but allows very stead shots. Also, I need to work on creating a great angle or viewpoint on a story. For the audience of the video to enjoy what they are watching, there needs to be a good angle on the story. (Beginning, Middle, End) Overall, this semester has thought me many, many things and I want to continue the learnings.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Technial Tutorial (Animation)

How to Use Boolean Difference in Maya

1. Make your first shape

2. Scale it to a reasonable size

3. Align/Move the object to a position that you feel you can work with

4. Create a second shape (preferably a cylinder) and scale to to be slightly smaller than your first object.

5. Move the shape into the shape how you want it. (There are many ways to do this)

6. Select the first object you selected, then the second object. Both objects must be selected.

7.  Select Mesh>Booleans>Difference. Be careful not to select Union or Intersection because those are different tools.

8. Easy as that! You should have a shape with a gap inside of it. Feel free to add more shapes to make the shape more complex and unique.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Blood Drive Reviews

- Well put together voiceovers
- A tad louder interview noise is needed

- Used Rule of Thirds correctly
- Missing voiceovers

- Great angle on the entire interview
- The B-Roll was a bit shaky

- Good overall B-Roll
- Iris needs adjustment

- Used the Rule of Thirds correctly
- It's present tense rather than past tense

- Well put together interview frames
- Short sound bytes

- Non-Shaky B-Roll
- Long Soundbytes

- High Quality shots (well-focused, iris)
- Shaky B-Roll, Boring Voiceovers

- Well-worded Voiceovers
- Not well-framed interviews

- Great Interviews overall
- Voiceovers need work

- N/A

- Well-planned angle
- Low volume soundbytes

- Great Shot Selections
- Negative sounding angle

- Well designed frame for interview
- Minor softness in voice

- Great Voiceovers
- Some shots out of position a tad

- Good interviews
- Low volume Soundbytes

- Well rounded camera work
- No J&L edits

- Well worded V.O.'s
- Out of frame interviews

- Good iris levels
- Boring Voiceovers

- Great interviewees
- Voiceovers don't transition well

- Non-Shaky B-Roll
- Some soundbytes were cut off

- Good interviews
- Interview lacking angle

Overall, this was a great project to hep improve my skills in video production. My interviewing skills and camera work is much better than before. I will work on many things to improve the work that was completed. For example, I will attempt to hold the camera better while filming B-Roll in order the capture stable footage. Also, I need to improve the way I create a story with each project. A larger angle and more clear angle is needed to succeed within this concept.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Nemo Professional Review

The scope of this clip was to express Dory's feelings towards the whale. The clip was all-around well done, with the areas of focus being primary and secondary motion. Dory's body is moving all over when she is explaining things out. Dory was telling a story about the whale, by talking very loudly with the whale being very near the area of focus. I would most definitely apply the secondary motion to my work. That can be a very important and intriguing factor in animation. I have already learned that a fitting color scheme is important. The creator(s) did a good job with the overall design and movement. One thing the creator(s) could improve is the level of background movement. Overall, this scene is greatly detailed and very impressive in total. Mostly everything is well done, and the entire scene is all-around detailed and in depth.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Video Blog #1

The scope of this project was to reintroduce and refresh the 6 shot system into our heads. We had to storyboard the video shot-by-shot to show the sequence of shots. I learned that strong voice overs are very important and that each shit should be about 3 seconds long at the most. I would change the way that I analyzed the video and try to receive suggestions from my neighbors. I now know how to complete the 6 shot system smoothly. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Video Blog #2

Florida: A Happy Newsroom

A newspaper company in Florida is explaining that it is possible to keep employees happy during their improvement of work. PNJ was struggling because of the 2013 layoffs in Gannett. Over the year, PNJ found that a new way to make conditions improve. Troy Moon stated that the working environment is much improved and that there is less stress in the offices. The author is arguing that a new way of keeping PNJ's employees happy is working better than it was before. This news journal is receiving public attention over their new ways of doing things. The author does a good job at explaing the details. One thing she could do better is talk about what the employees felt during this change. The evidence is convincing that the new way in the office keeps employees happy. Overall, this article is well built, and explains clearly what the author is trying to say or claim.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Bounce Project Review (Professional)

Overall, the scope of this project was to grasp basic skills from animation, and more specifically, Adobe After Effects. At the start of the the project, he created layers to work off of in Photoshop. After he completed those layers, he imported the Photoshop file into Adobe After Effects. The creator attempted to use the graphic design principle of rhythm and movement to run the animation more smoothly. He told the story of a ball bouncing through a field, and moving off the screen simply by making the ball do exactly that. One element of this work that was very interesting was the color scheme of the project. I could apply this into my own work by choosing more vibrant colors overall. One element of this work that I already knew was how to create a background for the project as well as the other props created on Photoshop for this project. The creator had a very well designed pathway for the ball to bounce along. This work could be improved by timing the bounces more smoothly so that the ball could look more natural while bouncing. Overall, this work was solid for a fresh start at After Effects. Although there were some small, issues the project was all around constructive.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Final Project

First, our group came up with the idea of inventing Scented Socks by agreeing as a group to use this idea. We all had separate ideas, but we soon agreed on using Scented Socks. Scented Socks were something that we thought society actually needs, and would buy. After this, we began designing our project on paper, and then moved to sketch up. We each completed different parts of the animation, until that part of the project was completed. After the animation was completed, we all decided the other parts of the project we needed to fill. We came together as a group several times to assure everybody was doing their job. We had to help revise each other's work and help make the products as well completed as possible.

If I were to do this same project once again, I would have used time more wisely at the early stages. If I would have completed the website quicker, I may not have had as many problems with it. Also, I would try to help my team members more at the beginning, so that we all get comfortable with each other. Other than that, our project went well and I would not change anything else. To enhance my next experience, I would apply many different color schemes and models to my product, so that our group can collaborate and pick the very best one. I would also have everyone help each other more to collaborate once again.
Within the video, I acted as the protagonist. The good "Scented Socks" were defeating the stinky, gross socks. Our group used a combination of collaboration and creativity to finish the commercial. We had to be very creative when we came up with this video idea to show the audience the benefits from Scented Socks.

I created the packaging, creating a box very similar to socks you would find at the store. Inside of the box, there is a hook holding up the socks. Beside the box, a few of our flavors are presented.

I had a very rough time with the website. After recieving help four separate times from Mr. Olson, and coming in early/late for more than 3 hours total to try and fix it, our website would still not work in safari. Because of the website issue, it created a domino affect onto all of our other pieces of the project. After the project

Monday, May 4, 2015

Scented Socks

We had a great time creating this final commercial in e9. Me, Cyle, Amy, and Emily came up with the idea of Scented Socks for our very final project. I was very excited to start this project, especially the video section. Scented Socks are socks that block out the stinky stenches from your terrible feet, and to replace that stench with a delicious smell. Our video was about stinky socks fighting our delicious socks, in a humourous fight. We wanted to show the audience that nobody wants to smell gross socks. The most enjoyable part in this project to me was the video section. Working with many groups in the video section of e9 has helped me become more open to more people, especially in this final group rotation. Overall, our team worked well with each other and we completed our tasks quickly and thoughtfully. I am pleased at how our Scented Socks commercial came out, and I am excited to present it.

The animation we created for our scented socks was built together as a team. All four of us contributed to the product, and I thought it turned out well. I created the packaging, creating a box very similar to socks you would find at the store. Inside of the box, there is a hook holding up the socks. Beside the box, a few of our flavors are presented. Overall, the animation was a very creative aspect of the project.

We had a very rough time with the website. After recieving help four separate times from Mr. Olson, and coming in early/late for more than 3 hours total to try and fix it, our website would still not work in safari. Because of the website issue, it created a domino affect onto all of our other pieces of the project. It through our presentation off completely, and didn't allow extra time to perfect out other aspects of the project. I am disappointed that this happened to us, mainly because my team members did not deserve a bad grade, when I was the creater of the website. Don't get me wrong, the website was a great presentation tool for most groups, it was just not my personal preference. Overall, the website was a tricky, but also a creative and interesting part to the project.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Lego my Eggo

Today in e9, we experimented with legos as a collaboration activity. We had to instruct our team members to build a certain lego figure. We had to either instruct them without speaking, or with no voice at all. It was hard to only use your voice to instruct, because I use my hands to direct actions a lot. It was easier to use my actions because I can show them how to complete the task. If all group members are completing a task correctly and efficiently, then that is called teamwork.

Friday, March 13, 2015


During the past few weeks in e9 we started working with web design. I learned the basics of HTML code and also the basics of designing on Dream Weaver. It was an exciting project to do overall and may want to do some more in the future. Along with the good things, there were also some bad things that happened. I could not get some links to work and one video was not aloud to be embedded. Overall, I had a great time with this project.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Dream House

This was my favorite project so far. I love the idea that I can build or design my own style of something however I want. Making the roof was challenging, but I figured it out. Now that I know how to add small details, I want to continue making detailed structures. It was also exciting to create windows, although I did not add many details to them. Overall, this project made me want to work hard and create the best house possible.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Keynote Animation

This quarter in e9 I started the animation strand. Our first project we did was created first on Keynote, then edited on iMovie. I had a lot of fun using these two programs, especially Keynote because we had a lot of days to explore it. Overall, I am excited to see what is coming next in Animation, and I had a great experience during this first project.