Wednesday, September 17, 2014

AB Sequence

In this project I learned quite a few things. I learned that there can not be any jump cuts because they do not make sense to the viewers. Even though we had trouble with that I learned that I will not do it again in future videos. I also learned that viewers do not like very long clips. Therefore each clip was at max 3 seconds. During next project I am going to not have jump cuts obviously. I am also going to add transitions if I need to. Another thing I am going to do is cut my clips the way I need to make it look the best it can be. Collaboration is working together as a group to complete a task. That was a big key for this project. Mainly because it was a partner project, but you had to communicate with your partner many times to complete the tasks.

Friday, September 12, 2014

My Personality Type

My personality type is ESFJ, which means that I am an extrovert, a sensor, a feeler, and a judger. Each of these concepts or traits are things that shape my personality. I completely agree about how it says my personality is inferred. Each of the explanations for each trait seems to fit me perfectly. Extroverted means that I am open to people and that I like to communicate to get the job done. Sensing means that I feel emotion and such for other people. Feeling means that I like to do hands on activities and things like that. And finally, judging means that I like to be loyal about things, not just joke around about serious things.

I think that my personality type fits me perfectly! Everything pretty much flawless besides that sometimes I am an introvert around people. Other than that I am surprised at how accurate the test was. My personality type does help me better understand how I act and react to things as well as to people.

When I work as a team, I am and extrovert so I am open to conversation and changes. I also sense so I am respectful to other ideas. Feeling means that I like to be organized on the project but loyal to other people's work. People may have misunderstood how I like to do hands on activities or practices before anything else.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

6 Shots

Sunday, September 7, 2014

6 Shots

 During editing and making this video I learned quite a bit. The six shot sequence we used was a beginner for me. I had never recorded anything serious before. The XCU means extra close up is basically a clip of what the hands of the person are doing. A CU is a shot that shows much of the upper side of the body. OTS means over the shoulder. A MS is a medium shot of the hips up. A wide shot shows what the person is doing, but not the entire scene. An XWS is an extra wide shot and it sets the scene for the video. I learned over this project that during a video, you should shoot a variety of shots from different angles and that you clan only use legal music on youtube videos. During my next project I will get much better shots with nobody in the background.