Friday, December 12, 2014

PS Projects 1-4

 This project was the first project we did. It was the base of all that we did in photoshop. It was a little tough to do because I had never worked with this program before. It was a great starting project though because of the basics that it showed us how to do. Overall, this project was really great for our skills in this class.
 This project was easy at first when I was changing the colors of the wings. Then when I got to the part when you had to change how the wings looked at their ends, it was not cooperating with me at all. The clone stamp tool felt like it wasn't working for me but I was just using it wrong.
 With this project, I was very successful in completing it. The only problem I had was with the color behind the Northwest letters. For some reason, there was a different pattern than what I was looking for. Eventually, I got help from a friend and completed the project.
This was the final photoshop project that we did. I had a hard time with the clone stamp tool once again, and the project did not look natural after I tried to use that tool. This was perhaps the most fun, but complex project we have done in the class. I had a lot of fun using photoshop and illustrator throughout this class.

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