Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Exploring Animation Reflection

Conlin Archer
Animation Final Reflection
            Throughout the year of e-Communication, I have gained a thorough insight on the structure of Animation. I learned many, many things starting from day one. First of all, I learned a large amount of technical skills inside of After Effects and Maya. In After Effects, I first learned the basic tools, and the timeline. From then on, I found myself becoming much, much better and more comfortable with the program. I became much more comfortable when we started the explosion project. That project gave me an insight on many different tools in After Effects, including the mask tool. In Maya, I feel that I have grown artistically and creatively in the program. I feel that I am able to create a model of a variety of different objects. I learned how to model, and make something move (animate) inside of the program. My favorite project was the green screen, and I gained a great understanding on how green screens work. In After Effects, I learned how to use the different tools, such as key light, to work the green screen correctly, and produce a solid final product. Not only did I learn technical skills, but I also learned and improved in collaboration, project management, and communication.
            I learned all of the technical skills from our teacher. He gave a great presentation every project on how to do things correctly, and showed any special ways do things or shortcuts. If there was confusion among the class, he would re-teach the content and clarify if needed. If there were a couple people needing help, he would help them individually. I also received help from peers occasionally, and sometimes helped them. It’s all part of collaboration and communication.
            This is all important for my future, and the future of my classmates. I have learned skills in this class that I would not receive anywhere else. I will gather the skills I learned from this class, and take them into the future, on my journey. Each of the five guarantees are important in their own way, and I feel that I have improved myself upon them.
             I feel that I am very strong upon the projects that don’t require a bunch of creativity. I follow straightforward directions fairly well in my opinion. I feel that I am slightly weak in creativity. Even though I a bit weak in creativity, I still have improved in that category. I am much better at coming up with ideas to work with than I was in the fall. As I mentioned earlier, I am going to take the skills that I learned and bring them into my future. I have learned some valuable lessons that I will not forget.
            The only thing that I would change would probably be to ask fro a bit more help, especially when I needed it. The outcomes of my projects would most likely be much better, and would be more experienced from the help. Everything else went pretty smoothly in my opinion, and I am glad for that.

            In conclusion, I have had a great time in Exploring Animation. We did many exciting projects that I had a blast with. I have learned a large variety of skills, and I have improved myself in the meantime. Overall, this class has been very beneficial, and I think that e-Communication is a great program for many people.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

SM2 Professional Article Review

This article describes the author's usage and importance of 28 principles used within animation. The author argues that these principles make so many things possible, and that all animators should understand them. I think the article's argument is mostly valid, and the principles are very important for animators. The author explains his argument thoroughly, but lacks examples and explanation upon the principles. The author concludes that some principles are more important than others, but many principles are necessary for certain pieces of work. The argument supports the main claim with little detail, and I feel there should be more evidence to the main claim. The evidence is fairly short, with a little more detail needed. I just feel like the article needs more explanation of the principles. Overall, the article was well-written, but a little short on explanation.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

SM2 Technical Tutorial

How To Make Simple Credits in Adobe After Effects

1. Open After Effects and create a new composition.

This composition can be any length, so whatever amount of time fits your project, type within the composition Duration.

2. Activate Title/Action Safe, Guides and Rulers for support.


3. Then, pull out guides to align the text the way you want.

4. Add a null object to attach everything to.

5. Add a text layer and place it upon your guides. Then parent it to the null.

6. Duplicate the text needed, place it where you want, and add as many titles as needed.

7. Insert anything else you want to put in the credits, and attach to null. (pictures, etc.)

8. Add a position keyframe to the position you want the credits to start.

9. Add a position keyframe where you want the credits to end.

10. Make sure all is good and render out credits.